Secret Proposal on Enchanted Rock, Texas

I got a text on a Wednesday asking if I were available for a secret proposal that Saturday. Evan had told close friends and family members that he planned to propose to Kayla on top of Enchanted Rock in Fredericksburg, Texas. They responded with: "That's great!. Whose your photographer?" A puzzled Evan asked: "Photographer? I need a photographer?" 

Evan, Evan, Evan. If a tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it, does it make a sound? Of course you need a photographer! (I don't really believe this, but if it helps my business, why should I discourage this new fad?)

So, that Saturday, I find myself driving 70 miles to Fredericksburg, sitting in line for an hour to get into the park, and then climbing Enchanted Rock in the noonday sun. What I do for love. Part of the fun was that Evan and I had never seen each other, so there was a secret agent quality to this assignment.

Evan & Kayla were/are adorable. And, if Kayla regretted getting caught on camera all sweaty, and in her exercise clothing, she was a good sport, and didn't show it. A diamond ring always makes you look good. So, as one very satisfied photographer, feeling good about being allowed to participate in one of life's most enjoyable moments, I only have one question: How do I get down from this thing?

Enchanted Rock; An enchanting proposal location.

Couple reaches the top of Enchanted Rock

Is this the right time to propose?

The moment before the big moment

Will you marry me?

Oh, my God!

She said yes.

You didn't!

The ring.


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